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Immunity and the immune system are very complex and at the same time very important for our health. We would like to present this complex issue in a way that is as accessible as possible and at the same time consistent with current knowledge.
We are surrounded by billions of bacteria, viruses and other disease-causing agents (pathogens)*. For many of them, the human body is like a walking smorgasbord, offering almost unlimited resources that they can use as a source of energy and for their reproduction. Fortunately for us, getting into the human body is not an easy task.
From the point of view of these tiny organisms, humans are a bit like a fortress. The skin is thick and very difficult to penetrate. Additionally, the skin produces various substances that harm the "invaders". Openings such as the eyes, nose and mouth are protected by fluids and sticky mucus that trap harmful attackers. The respiratory system has mechanical protection in the form of respiratory epithelial cilia, tiny hairs that remove particles. Intruders who get as far as the stomach will encounter highly acidic gastric juice, which will kill most of them.
However, despite our fantastic defenses, dangerous intruders can still get through. Some come in with our food and others I can sneak in through my nose. And as we all know, many things can damage our skin. Every day we get some scratches or cuts, and each time this happens, we are exposed to the intrusion of bacteria or viruses. So what is the magical force that keeps us healthy most of the time? We have immunity!
*pathogens that threaten us, apart from bacteria and viruses, also include pathogenic fungi and parasites, which, although they constitute a very large group, are often forgotten. Parasites can be complex multicellular organisms, e.g. tapeworm, or single-celled organisms. The most important single-cell parasites include: plasmodium (plasmodium falciparum) causing malaria, toxoplasma, babesia (tick-borne), and giardia (lamblia).
During the threatening COVID-19 pandemic, strengthen your immunity wisely!
Check how to do it → The Smart Way to Enhance Immune System