
Web Services Devoted to Health Problems

Current Service is Devoted to Immunity


Phytomedica Polska has created several health-related websites. The topics discussed are cross-sectional and concern problems of interest to many people. Current legal regulations do not allow content, even loosely related to treatment, to be posted on websites devoted to dietary supplements. Therefore, in a separate website devoted to medical issues, we can better present a number of issues, especially those related to therapy, to our website users.

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Phytomedica Poland

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✆  (+48) 22 651 75 40

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Take smart care of your whole family's immunity

The authors of the website would like to introduce readers to the issue of immunity. There is a group of issues that concerns everyone, i.e. children, adults and adults. The issue of immunity is often poorly known or associated with a number of misunderstandings and/or "superstitions" related, for example, to vaccinations.

Immunity and issues related to it concern every person. Our efficient and proper immunity protects us against various threats, both from outside and those coming from ourselves. External threats include the threat of infection caused by microbes (viruses, bacteria, pathogenic fungi) and parasite invasions (to mention the most dangerous or common ones, malaria or the increasingly common giardiasis, amoebiasis, and histoplasmosis). Internal threats include primarily allergies, cancer and auto-immune diseases. Unfortunately, the incidence of all these dangerous diseases is growing rapidly.

Therefore, it is worth knowing more about how our defense (immune system) is organized, how it works and how we can help it or, on the contrary, harm it, through incorrect health behaviors.

Contact Form

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I consent to the processing of my personal data by the Administrator, i.e. Phytomedica Polska Andrzej Lasota with its registered office in Konstancin-Jeziorna, ul. Czereśniowa 28, 05-520 Konstancin-Jeziorna for purposes related to the use of the contact form. I provide the data voluntarily, I declare that I am aware that I have the right to access and correct my data.


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Structure of the Immune System

The immune system is a very complex structure consisting of cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect (defend) our body against "foreign" invaders . . .

How the Immune System Works?

It is one of nature's most fascinating inventions. It easily protects us against billions of bacteria, viruses and pathogens. We don't realize that the immune system . . .


Immunodeficiencies are disorders of the immune system that are characterized by a reduced or lack of ability to . . .

Maintain Healthy Immune System

If we are not dealing with an immune system disease, it is usually enough to use a few simple . . .


The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has approved gene therapy for the treatment of severe combined immunodeficiency due to adesine deaminase deficiency (ADA-SCID), which is the result of a genetic mutation - reports New Scientist. You can read about gene therapy, what it is and its prospects, on the website News Medical Life Sciencies


Source: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Library / LibGuides / COVID Impacts / Immune Dysfunction

Detailed information and resources on the long-term health consequences of COVID-19 infection and the broad social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

One of the most concerning long-term effects of COVID-19 is the dysregulation and dysfunction of the immune system.


Source: Nutrients Authors: van Steenwijk H, Bast, A and de Boer A.

Beta-glucans derived from mushrooms are bioactive long-chain polysaccharide compounds, insoluble in water and with immunomodulatory properties. Knowledge of the action and functions of beta-glucans, which have been used in traditional medicine for centuries, is developing thanks to modern immunological and biotechnological methods.


Source: Oncology Reports; Authors: Hiromi Okuyama Akira Tominaga, z Laboratory of Immunology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Osaka Ohtani University, Tondabayashi, Osaka 584-8540, Japan

Spirulina lipopolysaccharides inhibit tumor growth in a Toll-like receptor 4-dependent manner by altering the cytokine milieu from interleukin-17/interleukin-23 to interferon-γ