Spirulina platensis
Spirulina is the commercial name of liofilized (freeze-dried) and concentrated microalgae Arthrospira platensis vel maxima. Spirulina is widely used in the food and cosmetic industries, and its derivatives, obtained in the extraction process, in the pharmaceutical industry.
There are 3 types of spirulina extracts:
- Spirulina protein extract, which has excellent nutritional values and is classified as one of the so-called superfoods.
- Spirulina phycocyanin extract is applied as a natural colorant, however, without an E number so that its clear labeling is required.
- Spirulina lipoplysaccharide extract that shows potent immunomodulatory activity.
Wu Q, Liu L, Miron A, et al: The antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and anti-inflammatory activities of Spirulina: an overview Arch Toxicol. 2016 Aug;90(8):1817-40
Beta Glucan
β-glucans are a heterogeneous group of natural polysaccharides, consisting of D-glucose monomers linked by a β-glycosidic bond. They are important structural elements of the cell wall or serve as energy storage in bacteria, fungi including yeast, algae, and plants, while they are absent in vertebrate and invertebrate tissue.
Long time ago the beneficial effects of mushrooms such as Shiitake (Lentinus edodes) in Japan or Lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum) in China were utilized in the traditional Oriental medicine for the strengthening of the body’s immune system. The research on β-glucans started in the middle of the last century, when the immune-modulating effect of a yeast insoluble fraction was first shown. Later it was demonstrated that the immunological activity of this preparation derives from the β-(1,3)-D-glucans.
Most of our current knowledge on the health benefits of β-glucans, the underlying mode of action, and its relationship to the structure of β-glucans was discovered within the last 30 years.
Meanwhile, more than 6000 publications investigating the immune-modulating effects of β-glucans, such as anti-inflammatory or antimicrobial abilities, have been published. Health effects were found not only in humans but also in invertebrates, rodents, fishes as well as farm animals such as cows or pigs.
Talbott SM & Talbott JA Baker's yeast beta-glucan supplement reduces upper respiratory symptoms and improves mood state in stressed women. J Am Coll Nutr. 2012 Aug;31(4):295-300.
Stier H, Ebbeskotte V et al Immuno-modulatory Effect of dietary Yeast Beta 1,3/1,6 D-Glucan Nutritional Journal 2014;13:38
Kim HS, Hong JT et al Stimulatory Effect of β-glucans on Immune Cells Immune Network 2012;11(4):191-195
Chan GC, Chan WK et al The effects of β-glucan on human immune and cancer cells J.Hematology&Oncology 2009;2:25
Shark liver oil
See tab → Spirulina extract versus herpes virus |
See tab → Spirulina extract versus influenze H1N1 virus |